The Cathedral City of Chichester is a historic and thriving administrative centre for West Sussex. The city is located approximately 65 miles south west of London 15 miles east of Portsmouth and 30 miles west of Brighton.
The accommodation has the following approximate net internal floor area of:
Ground Floor 1,012 sq ft (94.02 sq m)
Basement 214 sq ft (19.88 sq m)
Total 1,226 sq ft (113.90 sq m)
The premises has the following approximate area:
Ground Floor 1,012 sq ft (94.02 sq m)
The property is available by way of an assignment of the existing effectively full repairing and insuring lease which is due to expire on 8 November 2021.
A copy of the lease can be made available upon request.
The premises benefit from A1/A2 uses within the Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended).
The tenant will pay a service charge contribution towards the Landlord's expenses in relation to buildings insurance, utilities, ground maintenance, external decorations and associated costs.
Rents and prices are quoted exclusive of but are subject to VAT
Rateable Value (2017): £18,750
NB: Small business relief may apply which will give the occupier a benefit of significant further allowances.
The Assignee to be responsible for the Assignor's and Landlord's legal costs.